For the mayor of detroit its been hell in paradise, detroits having its ups and downs with no big help from the outside. but thats ok thanks to the great powerful mayor of detroit he has his way's in gathering a positive and brilliant staff and commitee that has brought big business to detroit. moving all detroits officers into the city, painting the buildings, making crops, general motors, ford and chrysler has been moving no where but up. a finacial manager has been forced into detroit against  the people's vote to keep city council in controle of how they plan to build up their city.
detroit has been through a few down falls and curruption cases but still able to stand tall and over come this course

the great horoscope  of the day!
May 2013 Horoscope Gemini: Love &

May will  entice love and of all symptoms, Gemini
individuals are the most responsive to  it. Get prepared for a wonderful
interval, of distributed emotions, of sensuous  minutes and complete

Jupiter, the leader of Gemini's home of  connections, has been
accurately in Gemini for a while, developing a skyline of  objectives as regards
satisfaction through the association. Jupiter is also the  higher benefic, the
one that delivers opportunity, interest and  awareness.

Then, on May 9th
2013 Jupiter is signed up with by Venus, the  Smaller Benefic and the globe of
affection, which is simultaneously the leader  of Gemini's home of sex and
coloure of the day is black and star dust yellow